Yasmine Patel, Psychologist

Public: adults, teenagers, children

  • Face -to – face Therapy in English and French
  • cognitive and behavioural therapy
  • specialized in cross-cultural therapy
  • sophrology
  • neuro-linguistic programmation(NLP)
  • therapeutic hypnosis

My aim is to respond to the client’s demand: many people think that they must have a very serious problem to ask  for help . A psychologist does not only work with people suffering from mental diseases . If you feel bad, either because you are too shy or lack confidence; you are stressed by your job or studies or your everyday life;you suffer from syndromes like post-traumatic ones or panic and anxiety attacks or fits of rage; eating disorders , depression, or obsessive – compulsive disorders  or social difficuties ,do know you can be helped without judgment. Therapeutic hypnosis can help you getting  free from addictions. It is also a very good technique for chronical pains or recovering after surgery.


  • DESS de psycholologie clinique et pathologique (option interculturelle)
  • Diplôme Universitaire de Thérapies cognitives et comportementales
  • Diplôme universitaire de Thérapies familiales systémiques
  • Diplôme universiaire d’Hypnose Médicale
  • Maître -Praticien en PNL
  • Certification en sophrologie

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